16 Millimeter PSA

Appears on Las Vegas or Bust

cold October night
reruns on TV
your daughter wants the car
and it might rain
if she’s out too late
you’ll ground her for a week
cut to 2 AM
there’s a crash outside

a loveless marriage won’t fill the void she left you
she was just a child
may her death not be in vain

God’s forsaken you
it must be for good cause
talk shows have you on
better spread the word
whatever helps you sleep
it still won’t bring her back
whatever drugs you’re on
they make you think you’re right

a loveless marriage won’t fill the void she left you
time on Earth is sacred
and bake sales only get you so far

there are worse things in this world so lighten up
there are worse things in this world so lighten up
there are worse things in this world so lighten up
there are worse things in this world so lighten up

3D Movies

Appears on Autumnal Jams

I fell in with a bad crowd
bunch of good-for-nothings
no one has a real name here
I’ve scraped the depths of my innermost thoughts
with my outermost thoughts leading the way
and when we’re older we’ll see the shades of grey
but for now we’ve got a world to save

a top-secret handshake
a knowing wink
eight semesters of college to teach you how to think
question everything, that’s the order of the day
then write a check for tuition

so I finished with art school then got hired by City Council
they gave me stolen supplies then had me paint a mural
those teeth aren’t sharp enough
that nose could be bigger
those lips don’t protrude
make the eyeslits thinner

gave the private sector a try but that was just like diet such and such
diet such and such else

spinning metal plates and vacuum tubes
prerecorded evening news
the universe is cruel but not by design
it’s just what happened to happen